COVID trial – call for participants!
Fancy taking part in a mini clinical trial to help research into COVID-19? A trial you can do from home?
The Speak Up to Beat COVID trial aims to create a voice sounds database to explore how changes in a voice could indicate if a person has COVID. The research will explore if it is possible to identify if someone may be more likely to need a COVID test by using voice sounds.

If an app can be developed from the results, it will help identify more cases and assist in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
The 5-minute test can be done from home on any device that is linked to the internet and is able to record. You must be 18 years or older to participate.
The test involves recording your voice and some forced coughs as well as answering some questions. The trial is voluntary and open to people who have had a recent PCR or lateral flow test. You will need to provide the ten-digit number from your latest COVID test to complete the trial.