Changes to the UK’s COVID booster programme
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Message from Dr Katrina Young following today’s statement on COVID booster vaccinations:
The government announced today a ramping up of the nationwide COVID booster programme in response to the new Omicron variant.
These changes include:
- all over-18s across the country being offered a booster vaccine, and
- the gap between 2nd doses and the booster reduced from six months to three months
St Mary’s Surgery, along with the other surgeries within the Ely Primary Care Network, are waiting to hear from our Clinical Commissioning Group what these new changes mean for our COVID booster programme locally.
Please DO NOT ring the surgery to try and book for a booster. If eligible, you will be contacted in due course.
In the meantime we continue to roll out the existing booster programme at our vaccine hubs – Cathedral Medical Centre and Staploe Medical Centre.