Local vaccine clinics are open – get your booster now!
Content archived 2 February 2022
Infection rates across England are doubling almost daily now with the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
The latest UK COVID surveillance report indicates that cases are rising most steeply among those aged 20-29, followed by people in their 30s. And, as we have all seen on the news, the impact of rapidly rising cases on an already stretched NHS potentially means a very difficult winter of mass hospitalisations ahead of us.
Currently, the majority of COVID cases in hospital are people who are unvaccinated, pregnant women, or those who haven’t yet had their boosters, so their immunity is lower.
Yet research shows that the booster vaccinations are up to 85% effective in helping to reduce the severity of COVID to a mild illness, plus they help to reduce transmission rates.
If you haven’t yet had your booster, there’s still time before Christmas. You can do your bit to help keep your family and friends safe this Christmastime by getting your booster now!
The six GP practices which make up Ely Primary Care Networks* are holding daily vaccination clinics between now and Christmas Day and also in the few days before New Year.
We are aiming to vaccinate as many as 10,000 patients in that time, and it’s great to see so many people already coming forward for their jabs. But we still have space available locally to book more people in.
So, if you want your vaccine, call the surgery and get booked in.
Who can book with us:
- Aged 18+ can receive booster three months after 2nd dose.
- Aged 18+ CEV can receive 3rd primary dose 8 weeks after 2nd. They will be booked for booster in three months’ time.
- Children aged 12-15 in at risk groups can have their 2nd doses eight weeks after their first.
- Children aged 12-15 NOT in an at risk group should have only 1 dose.
- Aged 16-17 in at risk groups can have their first two primary doses 8 weeks apart.
- Aged 16-17 NOT in at risk groups should have their primary doses 12 weeks apart.
- Aged 16-17 and CEV should have 3rd primary dose 8 weeks after 2nd dose. Must bring letter.
- Pregnant women.
The vaccination clinics are also open to any eligible person who hasn’t yet had their 1st or 2nd doses of COVID vaccine.
You don’t need to wait for an invitation or text message; just call the surgery and we will do our best to get you booked in before New Year. Telephone: 01353 663434.
*Ely Primary Care Networks are: Burwell Surgery, Cathedral Medical Centre, Haddenham Surgery, Staploe Medical Centre, St George’s Medical Centre and St Mary’s Surgery.
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