Home visits by GPs are only available for patients who are housebound because of severe illness or disability.
If a home visit is thought to be required by a patient, relative or carer please contact the surgery using askmyGP or telephone the surgery. You will receive a telephone call back from a doctor or nurse to discuss the clinical problem who will then arrange for the most appropriate action.
Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time it takes to make one home visit. So please help us to help you and our other patients by visiting the surgery whenever possible. At the surgery your GP will have access to all your medical records and there are better facilities for examining and treating patients.
We cannot undertake home visits for reasons of convenience, lack of transport, or simply because a patient is a resident in a residential care home, sheltered accommodation or nursing home. We will be happy to provide you with details of local taxi firms and volunteer car services, if required.
Don’t forget you can call NHS 111 for medical help and advice, or in an emergency dial 999.
Updated 17.3.21