We understand that this can be an upsetting time. The following provides a practical list of actions that need to be undertaken when a death occurs either at home or in hospital.
If death occurs at home
- Telephone the surgery and inform reception and a doctor will visit to confirm that death has taken place.
- If the death is unexpected and the doctor is not able to explain the cause of death, they may need to inform the police and the coroner.
- Once the death is confirmed, contact a funeral director.
- The Medical Certificate of Death needs to be completed by a doctor who has been involved in the patient’s care and has seen them in the period prior to their death. There may be a delay if the doctor is not working or is on leave, but we will endeavour to keep you informed.
- Since the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020, the Medical Certificate of Death is now emailed to the Registrar.
- Book an appointment with the Registrar to register the death by phoning 0345 045 1363. You will need to tell the Registrar:
- the person’s full name at time of death and any names previously used, including maiden surname
- the person’s date and place of birth (town and county if born in the UK, and country, if born abroad)
- their last address
- their occupation
- the full name, date of birth and occupation of a surviving spouse or civil partner
- if they were getting a state pension or any other state benefit.
- When you register a death, the Registrar will normally issue a Certificate for Burial or Cremation (green form) for you to give to your funeral director, who will look after the necessary arrangements for the funeral. The Registrar will also issue a Certificate of Registration of Death (form BD8) which you will need to fill out and return if the deceased was receiving a state pension. The Registrar will also enquire as to the number of certified copies you require for dealing with the deceased’s finances (a fee is payable for each copy).
If the death occurs in hospital
- Contact a funeral director to inform him his services are required.
- Follow steps 4 onwards.
Cremation documentation
Your funeral director will usually liaise directly with the surgery regarding the additional certification required.
More information about registering a death.
Updated 17.3.21