Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), everybody has the right to obtain a copy of their personal data. Personal data in relation to the surgery means your medical records, and an individual is only entitled to their own personal data, and not to information relating to other people (unless the information is also about them or they are acting on behalf of someone). Under special circumstances, some information may be withheld.
You do not need to give a reason to see your personal data and access to the majority of your medical records can be provided through SystmOnline, if you are registered. This is the primary means of accessing your information and we encourage all patients to register for online access.
Where access is not possible, then patients can make a Subject Access Request (SAR) to the practice. We ask that you make your request in writing, where possible and be as specific as possible about the information you require.
The practice will provide the SAR information you require free of charge within one calendar month of the date of your request. However if your request is more complex or a number of requests have been made by you, the turnaround time might be extended and we may charge a reasonable fee where the request is viewed as excessive or additional copies are required.
Making a Subject Access Request
Patients must provide proof of identity when making a SAR.
Required documentation:
An individual making a request for his/her own records
- A copy of one of the following – birth certificate, passport or driving licence plus a copy of proof of address, such as utility bill
An individual making a request on behalf of an individual (acting as a representative)
- One item showing proof of the patient’s identity and one item showing proof of the representative’s identity.
Read St Mary’s Surgery full SAR policy and find request forms.
Updated 10.05.2023